Hello from the sunshine state! It's a bit chilly this morning but that seems to be the weather I get every time I come to Florida.I am here for PodFest Expo 2023 and am looking forward to meeting a lot of podcasters that are here to learn about growing their podcast or discovering great new tools like PodTask. I will be live streaming from Booth 17, talking to podcasters about their show and how it's been going. Keep checking in on this page as I will add content throughout the event.The video player below includes all 41 interviews between Days 1-3 from PodFest. Click the 1/41 icon in the upper right to see the list of each interview to find yours, or to see the full playlist, click here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_OwZM_IHkTnRlwvtMNaMsnfeqduhk605Thanks to everyone who stopped by the booth, especially those that took the time to let me interview them about their podcasts! See you all at PodFest 2024!