Podcasting Community

PodTask is proud to support and sponsor PodUnite, a free global podcasting community forum where members are encouraged to network, share, add value to each other, support each other and engage in community-building for the benefit of anyone working in podcasting. Most of us in this community got into podcasting as a passion project, and the work we do is very meaningful and personal. Our goal is to help new or struggling podcasters get started by facilitating an environment of sharing and collaboration.
One of the most exciting features of PodUnite are the recurring Member-Led Tutorials where different PodUnite members will host a webinar on some subject related to podcasting.
PodUnite is free, so why not join today? Click the link below to join and connect with other podcasters right away:
Once you're signed up, click the member led tutorials thread to access the existing webinars, or you can view and play the content from the playlist below: